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You're invited to the Southington Rotary Club's Mardi Gras Party on March 4th from 6-10pm! Get ready to celebrate in style with delicious food, lively music, and the spirit of Mardi Gras. Don't miss out on this exciting evening with friends and community members.  All proceeds raised will benefit New Orleans relief efforts!

Date: March 4th
Time: 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Location: Anthony Jacks Wood Fired Grill; 30 Center Street, Southington

Come dressed in your best Mardi Gras attire and get ready to indulge in a night of camaraderie and joy. We look forward to seeing you there!

Reserve your tickets today - all tickets must be registered through this link

Southington Rotary Supports Southington Community Services OPERATION STAY WARM Coat Drive
Members helped to run the "community store" to help distribute coats to those in need. 496 coats donated!
Rotary Club of Southington
Scholarship Applications 2024
Initial Scholarship for High School students going to college
Continuing Education Scholarship for college students who have already been awarded a Rotary Scholarship
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Thank you to The Calvanese Foundation for their generous sponosorship of our Mardi Gras Party!
Mardi Gras is almost here!  We are excited to bring this event back! 
Tickets are $75.00 per person.  This will include, stations of food throughout the restaurant, passed hors devours, live entertainment, and beer and wine.  Tickets can be paid for via check, Venmo or cash.  ALL TICKETS MUST BE REGISTERED THROUGH THIS FORM – NO EXCEPTIONS!  An email confirmation with a 'ticket' will be sent to all people registered. 
Venmo = @Southington-RotaryClub
Mailing Address:
Rotary Club of Southington
PO Box 5
Southington, CT 06489
If you have any questions, please reach out to Megan:  megan.albanese@hotmail.com
You are cordially invited to attend the Southington Rotary Club's 75th Anniversary Dinner!
Wednesday, October 25th
6pm - 10pm
Aqua Turf Club
Register online: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/southington-rotary-75th-anniversary-tickets-721542732737?aff=oddtdtcreator or pay by check.

Space is limited to 100 - reserve your tickets today!
The Rotary Club of Southington was excited to see the Southington Police using the Trek bicycle that was donated earlier this year to patrol the festival grounds to ensure the safety and security of the community! 
Come Join us for our 21st  Annual Golf Tournament!
The golf tournament helps us raise funds to support community projects such as the YMCA , Southington Community Services, Rotary Scholarships for students and other programs.  
Wednesday August 23rd - 2023
Southington Country Club 
Registration/Breakfast: 8:30 am 
Shotgun Starts: 9:30 am 
Register now!! Link Below
With the help of other local Rotary clubs, UNICO and Lion's clubs, we packed 25,920 non-perishable food bags to be sent to Ukraine and Appalachia!
Rotary Day of Service 2022
A collaborative and fun event packing Harvest Packs to send to Ukraine, in collaboration with Bristol and Plainville Rotary clubs.
Earth day is upon us and what is a better way to celebrate it than to clean it and planting new trees/flowers? Join us this Saturday April 23th from 9am-1pm. we will meet at Southington Town Green to grab some gloves, vest and bag ( unless you preferred to use your own bucket) lets make out town even more beautiful!!! 
Rotary helps to fund much-needed Automated External Defibrillators (AED) for the Southington Police Department, presenting them with money from a generous grant received via the Bradley H. Barnes and Leila U. Barnes Memorial Trust at the Main Street Community Foundation on February 28, 2022.
To celebrate and honor Rotary's 117th Birthday and Paul Harris, members enjoyed a brown bag lunch and fellowship just like they did back in 1905.  We watched a video about the beginnings of the club, played a Rotary trivia game, sang a Rotary song and had birthday cake. 
Club Information
Welcome to our Club!
We meet In Person
Wednesdays at 12:15 p.m.
Craft Kitchen
42 West Main St
Plantsville, CT 06479
United States of America
You can call Dolores Fanelli 860-681-9548 for information not on our website.
Rotary Club of Southington
President Elect
Immediate Past President
Rotary Foundation/International
Service Projects
Club Administration
Public Relations
Youth/Interact Chair
Gifts & Grants
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